COIN Collectors #7: Liberty or Death

Join the COIN Collectors as we continue our journey into the 1700s with our discussion of Liberty or Death by Harold Buchanan.

(00:00) - War report

(03:25) - Factions

(13:25) - Map

(23:35) - Faction relationships

(33:40) - Battles

(39:45) - Leaders

(47:44) - Brilliant Strokes

(50:40) - Events

(54:25) - COIN system fit to the American Revolution

(56:10) - Historical context of larger French/British conflict

(58:40) - Scenarios

(1:00:20) - 2 Player C3i scenario

(1:01:15) - Interplay between factions

(1:09:15) - Winter quarters and game arc

(1:11:25) - Endgame and victory conditions

(1:17:40) - Overall thoughts and wrap-up

(1:21:15) - Next game


#56: DoaM Holiday Office Party


#55: Counterpoint…Collecting