Dads on a Map
Dads on a Map is a board game podcast by Dads, for Everyone - talking 18xx, Cube Rails, COIN, the Pax series, Trick Taking Games, and Old Dusty Euros played both on the table and online. Dads on a Map was founded by James Geist & Nick Sanchez in the Fall of 2019. “DoaM” talks games from all walks of life but seems to always come back to high interaction, smart design, and classic gems of the past while playing by any means necessary - tabletop, online, app driven, or asynchronous gaming. Over the past few years, 3 companion shows have joined the lineup. The Choo Choo Crew focuses on strategy and improvement in 18xx and Cube Rails games. The COIN Collectors break down their weekly tabletop adventures exploring the wargaming and counter-insurgency board game scene. And TRICKY looks at the burgeoning world of trick taking, shedding, and other card games.
James Geist - Founder & Host
Kansas City, MO
Board Games have always been a big part of my life, but I officially entered “The Hobby” in 2016 when my wife and I decided to trade in Netflix for a few weeks of Pandemic Legacy. Several Kallaxes and countless purchases, sales, and trades later and here we are. I very much enjoy talking and playing games with the variety of wonderful people that have come to form the Dads on a Map community, but I adore even more the time I get to spend around the table gaming with my family. My wife Jamie and 2 boys Colton (11) and Corbin (9) not only put up with Dad’s hobby, but help me get in plays, explore new titles, and routinely kick my butt as well. Board Games truly is a full time hobby, but I also have a passion for craft beer, smoking and grilling meats, and the best BBQ in the world right here in Kansas City.
Twitter: @jwgeist
Nick Sanchez - Founder & Host
Dallas, TX
I started my boardgame journey as a way to spend time with my kids. An activity that we could all share but didn't include a “screen” was the answer that boardgames provided me. Since then the journey has allowed me to explore a hobby that not only provided quality time with my family but an opportunity to create content about something that I enjoy. From the first episode that we recorded, I would never had imagined the community of listeners and friends that formed and become a daily part of my life.