COIN Collectors #10: Year in Review

Join the COIN Collectors as we review one year of podcasting, including games played, highlights, and look towards new games and episodes in the coming year.

:57 - Introductions
2:37 - First game as a group
4:34 - List of COIN games covered
5:48 - Other games covered (Robotech Reconstruction, Bayonets and Tomahawks, Imperial Struggle)
7:52 - Gaming with the DOAM discord
9:13 - Favorite gaming memories
13:47 - Games that we're excited about
21:08 - How to encourage people to play historical games?
24:03 - How to market historical games to non-gamers?
26:52 - Introductory scenarios to help onboard non-gamers
29:49 - Learning videos by Rodney
30:00 - Is Root a COIN game?
34:05 - What do we have planned for the next year?
36:52 - Wrap-up


Choo Choo Crew #18: The Old Prince 1871


#63: GMT’s Weekend at the Warehouse w/Xander