Choo Choo Crew Takeover

The Choo Choo Crew takes over DoaM as it's all trains all show long. Get our thoughts on mechanics, art, companies, finances, cube rails, and so much more. Warning: takes about as long to listen as it does to play an 18xx. Enjoy the show!

(01:00) - Intros

(03:45) - Crew History

(7:50) - Train Stats

(10:22) - Mechanic Talk

(60:00) -  Art, Design, Components Talk

(88:24) - Rules, Async, and Everything Else Talk

(121:05) - Cubes Games!

(143:50) - Best in Show

(189:42) - Ending


#32: Hidden Trackable Information


#30: Top 20 Episode (2020 Edition)