Choo Choo Crew #7: First Company - Hot start or Long haul

The Choo Choo Crew returns for Episode 7 talking your first company in an 18xx game: hot start, long haul, or something in between. We also tackle the opening auction of 1860: Isle of Wight, and discuss recent plays of 18Ireland, 1822CA, and Southern Pacific. Enjoy the show.

(:42) Chatter & Feedback
(3:40) Opening Auction: 1860
(24:27) Recent Plays: SVChoo
(24:44) 18Ireland
(33:19) 1822CA
(38:27) Southern Pacific
(41:44) Your first company
(42:55) Hot starts
(56:28) Long hauls
(65:26) Middling middles
(74:10) Farewell


#44: A Chat with the Kids 2E


COIN Collectors #3: A Distant Plain