Choo Choo Crew #37: Back in a Kansas City State of Mind (DoaMcoN Plays)

Joe, Zach, and James are back together again after spending a week together in Kansas City at DoaMcoN. Come hear about our favorite train game plays from the con including West Riding Revisisted, Stephenson's Rocket, Wooden Shoes & Iron Monsters, Veld Railroads, South African Railroads, Spectactulum, and more! 

0:00 Intro
1:10 News and Feedback
1:45 Age of Rails Ships
12:30 Chicago and Northwestern Scuttlebutt
16:10 Boardtogether
25:50 Recent Plays
30:45 Doamcon Train Recap
1:30:35 Wrap up


TRICKY #15: General Chat…About Arcs


#114: DoaMcoN IV Live Call In Wrap Up Show