Choo Choo Crew #24: Holiday Buying Guide

Join the Choo Choo Crew as we take a rare spin around the retail shopping options for Train Games this holiday season. Or maybe you'd rather give some game accessories or railroad paraphernalia? We also do a live 3P auction of The Old Prince 1871 and talk recent plays.

0:00 Intro

1:16 Feedback

3:39 Triple Jumps

9:45 Live The Old Prince 1871 Auction

26:20 Recent Plays

40:30 Main Topic - 18xx

60:03 Cube Rails

74:00 Train accessories

87:00 Train Adjacent Games

91:00 Wrap Up

Follow along our 3P The Old Prince game from the live auction:


#74: Joe’s DoaM Roadshow: Pax Unplugged


TRICKY #4: Drinking the Kool-Aid?