Choo Choo Crew #2: Changing the Game State

The Choo Choo Crew is back, and here to stay with a regular show! James, Joe, Zach, and Sanchez deep dive train games, running through a live 18xx opening auction, and discussing Changing the Game State. Titles mentioned include 1830, Southern Pacific, 18Chesapeake After Dark, 18Ireland, 1856, 1870, 1832, 1828, 1856, 1880. CCMF!

(:26) Introduction
(2:00) Live 1830 Auction
(17:55) Notable Plays Lately
(23:50) Topic: Changing the Game State
(28:19) Rusting, Dumping, Capital, Yellow, End Game
(34:33) Development Phase
(42:50) Playing From Behind
(54:25) Playing From the Lead
(63:57) Parity
(68:20) Farewell


#36: Meet the DoaMer: RJ


#35: 2020 Will You Please Go Now!