#89: Board Game Designer Mount Rushmore

James & Sanchez take a trip to Mount Rushmore, and crown their 4 board game designers most worthy of this accolade. Also recent plays of John Company, Imperial, Trias, Tajuto, and Reef Encounter. And a song - "Negotiate"

:39 Sanchez go boom

10:51 James goes to Taylor

14:10 DoaM Music: Negotiate

19:45 Cereal Cornflakes Lore

21:42 John Company

30:11 Imperial

35:33 Trias

42:14 Tajuto

47:28 Reef Encounter

53:05 Main Topic: Board Game Designer Mount Rushmore


TRICKY #9: My Little Trick Taker


CCC #30: The Crew Plays Games They Don’t Like 2